Random jottings of an activist

Under judicial precedence there is ratio decidendi and obita dictum

For a layman definition ratio decidendi is a decision of a judge in a judgement that is binding and should be used as precedence while obita dictum is a statement or expression or opinion of a judge that isn’t binding and cannot be used as precedence in the abundance of doubt.

Let me state categorically clear that I am not looking for publicity fame of fortune. I am a humanist and also a social crusader some refer to me as an activist but it is not about what I am called but about what I am doing.

Men make excuses, the excuses don’t make men. I need an egalitarian society where a son of nobody becomes somebody where a bus conductor is the father of the president of our nation. That is the reason I get myself in necessary trouble.

For those who are slighted for what I do in my advocacy I owe you no apology. For the like minds I appreciate you for having the courage to support what is good and not evil I will continue to cherish what we have in common I sympathise with the educated illiterates we have in my country, Nigeria.

I think as people we cannot give up and I urge you all to turn yourselves to activists and become the conscience of the people. I assure you we will be free at last.

Let me make it categorically clear I do not hate who governs me. I want the citizens to be respected by governance. I get myself in necessary trouble not because I hate my own brother the governor of Edo State or I hate every other government elected officials.

But I think it’s important for us to criticise the government constructively so they can deliver the dividence of democracy. Remember in an ideal society the citizens police the police.

Together a better Nigeria is possible with unity and strength. I did not attend your four corner of university institutions I am a student of street sense. I went to the school of hard knock. I am not recommending it.

Let us carry along the very best who do not have the privilege to attend the four corner walls of university.

I am Chief Patrick Osagie Eholor(aka Ultimate Equals)
President One Love Foundation