Multichoice your name is fraud

Are you a subscriber to the Multichoice owned pay cable channel, DSTV? Have you been battling to cope with the poor services that the South African company has been rendering? If your response to these two questions is yes then this write up is appropriate for your consumption.

For almost more than a month now subscribers of the pay cable channel have been left wallowing in thought mode courtesy of the poor services they are rendered by the company despite that they pay their subscription fee when due.

This is a facility that won’t give you more than one hour before yanking you off if you don’t meet up with your payment obligation.

Their epileptic service is most noticeable from the night hour to the next morning. Nobody from the customer care will send a message to the subscriber to explain what is going on. That setback coming from the company will not stop them from yanking you off right on the dot of time once your date of payment is not adhered to.

So, the question is what happens to the lost hours emanating from their poor services? Will there be any form of compensation?

What’s obvious from the foregoing is that the Multichoice service in Nigeria can never be compared to what is obtainable in South Africa. While in South Africa what is obtainable when you subscribe to Multichoice service is pay-as-you-watch system. Here in Nigeria the story is different. Not even the intervention of the federal government and the National Assembly will make the company have a rethink.

For all the management of the company cares you can get away with any wrong action in Nigeria.

To place it in the proper perspective Multichoice ala its Nigeria operation is a fraud. Who will save us from this blatant act of disregard being perpetrated by the South African company?