Just In: What they will never tell you about the making of Things We Do for Love

Movie buffs will be glad to hear much about the happenings behind the scene at the occasion of the making of the highly acclaimed Things We Do For Love.

Few weeks ago, the artistes for the blockbuster movie gathered at the highbrow Le Patriot Hotel situated at Thomas Estate in Ajah, Lagos to do their recording of the epoch movie.

Insiders said the production crew decided to make use of the facility for their job in view of the serene environment where the hotel is located which actually gave the team minimal distractions coupled with the beauty of the facility which came into full operation less than a year ago.

While the production lasted the movie stars and production crew had the best of times enjoying the goodies associated with the operators of the top-of-the- shelf facility which have become a tourist attraction of some sorts.

On the set of the production were some A list Nollywood role interpreters like Rex Nosa.